Parkinson Exercises

Exercise is a promising element in management of Parkinson's disease.

Please review the following videos and suggested exercises that you can add to your routine exercise schedule.

** IF you feel lightheaded or dizzy when you stand up, have a sit and do only sitting exercises to prevent falls**

Stretching and balance exercises

Posture improvement

Parkinson's exercise for posture improvement

Balance Exercises

Balance Exercises for Fall Prevention

Hand Exercises for Parkinson's

To Improve Handwriting, Flexibility, and Dexterity

Balance & Stretching Sequence

Balance & Stretching Sequence for Parkinson disease

Full-Length At-Home Exercise Class

Power for Parkinson's Strength & Balance: Full-Length At-Home Exercise Class

Daily stretch

A daily stretch program for Parkinson's Disease

Speech therapy work out

Speech therapy workout

Parkinson's Home Speech Therapy Workout

Voice Aerobics 1

Voice Aerobics for Parkinson's disease 1

Voice Aerobic 2

Voice Aerobics for Parkinson's disease 2

Tips and essentials

Movement Tips

Movement tips for Parkinson's disease; Qustions and answers.